Seth Meyers Takes 'A Closer Look' At Trump's Pandemic Of Lies

In Meyers' "A Closer Look" segment, the late-night host rips apart every aspect of this lying con artist's non-response to the world-wide health emergency.

Seth Meyers absolutely torched Trump's inept and narcissistic response to what is now considered the coronavirus pandemic. First Meyers brought down Trump's ridiculous claim about, you know, DYING AMERICANS being good for the economy and the stock market by highlighting yesterday's horrible day on Wall Street: "The drop was so bad, the red arrow on the TV screen grew legs and ran away."

Making fun of the bumbling lazy moron-in-chief's dress seems like low hanging fruit, but, well, here we are because he has damn-well earned it. "...[T]he most powerful man in the world was visiting CDC headquarters in Atlanta on Friday in a hat and windbreaker looking not like a man steady at the helm of a crisis, but like a hung-over little-league umpire." It just reflects the seriousness with which he regards the global health crisis when he's wearing a campaign baseball hat to be briefed by the medical experts at the CDC. Not to put too fine a point on it, he made sure he told them he got his numbers about the virus from, where else? Fox News. (JAZZ HANDS)

Meyers finished with the bizarre-but-not-by-Trump-standards lie that he has a natural ability for this medical, sciencey crap because his uncle, Dr. John Trump "taught at MIT for, I think, like a record number of years" and was "a super genius." To which Meyers responded:

So you think you know about science because your uncle was a doctor? People don’t just automatically know what their uncles know. Otherwise we would all know the lyrics to every Steely Dan song.
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