Trump 2020 Insists Trump Will Keep Shaking Hands At Rallies

Spreading a deadly virus to OWN THE LIBS!

When you're the Trump 2020 campaign press secretary and you lose STUART VARNEY...

Kayleigh "Mensa" McEnany went on Fox Business and bravely insisted that Donald Trump is virtually immune from coronavirus because of his "commander in chief" status. Or something.

Varney, yes, THAT Varney, was not convinced.

STUART VARNEY (HOST): Are you a little worried about holding those kind of rallies?”

KAYLEIGH MCENANY: I’m not, because we have the added advantage here at the Trump campaign that our candidate happens to be the President of the United States, who is surrounded by the best and most talented health experts in the world. Dr. Fauci said, take it case by case and in a community where there’s an outbreak—”

VARNEY: But Dr. Fauci just said there should be no large crowds. He said it.

MCENANY: Look, we have the commander in chief, we have the best health experts, we are taking it day by day, we are currently proceeding as normal. And look, Joe Biden, he’s suspending his rallies. He’s been dying to get off the campaign trail. The man can only speak for seven minutes. No wonder he wants to suspend his rallies.

Varney tried to advise Kayleigh that being casual about a pandemic might not be a good look for the campaign. But she pressed on with her talking points.

MCENANY: Joe Biden is looking for an excuse to get off the campaign trail. The media’s best hope is for Donald Trump to suspend his rallies. They have been wanting him to stop this, they know it’s his avenue to speak directly to the American people. So we’re going to follow the president’s lead, we’re not going to cave to the media and Joe Biden, we’re certainly not going to follow his lead as he tries to hide from the people.

Kayleigh might want everyone in the White House to get tested.

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