Stable Genius Says New York Is Fine, Won't Need Extra Ventilators

His war on Blue States continues...and a round up of the rest of his Fox and Friends blabfest.

You would THINK Fox News knows these phone calls with Trump do. not. help. them. or. him.

He loves doing them and thinks he does a great job so never mind.

And one highlight (?) was when he told the clearly wishing-for-sweet-death-to-take-them-now Fox and Friends hosts that New York has enough ventilators.

TRUMP: I think New York should be fine based on the numbers that we see, they should have more than enough. I'm hearing stories that they’re not used or not used them right. We find anywhere from 2 to 4,000 that have been sent and aren’t used. We’ve done a job. Now, we’re still getting more ventilators. After this is over they’ll be selling ventilators for a dollar a piece, we’ll have a lot of them.

If, unlike the Fox and Friends hosts (please kill me now say the dead eyes of Ainsley Earhardt) you aren't getting PAID to listen to Donald J. Trump ramble for



MINUTES, are some highlights provided by C&L's Associate Editor Heather:

By end of June, death brought down to very low number.

We're very close, pushing untested drugs again, we're going to know within days.

Tested more than anybody in the world, our test is better.

In one day they said a virus is coming and in one day we shut it down.

I've gotten a lot of accolades, I don't want the accolades.

If Sleepy Joe was president, he wouldn't even know what's going on.

Russia, Iran, China blaming us, how long are we going to let them get away with it?

Washington Post will do everything they can to hurt this presidency, but my poll numbers are at all-time high.

Cuomo approval in 80's...would have been a better candidate than Sleepy Joe, but his numbers are high because of federal government.

Polls say I'm going to win, I've gotten good marks even from every Democrat governor.

Dems want windmills, Green New Deal, no more cows, no more airlines, you can't fly anymore.

When you read about it in a week and people don't get their money, it's the Dems' fault.

Republicans are going to take back the House.

The wall coming soon at the end of the year. It's going to be great blessing when it's up. They don't fight me on it anymore.

Truck drivers masks? I know a lot about trucks.

Attacks Comey and McCabe. [No really. We're at forty-two minutes of this now. -eds]

Russia was our partner in WWII Germany was our enemy. They lost 50 million people. No one talks about that. We don't talk to Russia, we talk to Germany.

The new drugs you're testing, I'm getting FDA approval. The results with these drugs have been unbelievable.

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