Conservative Economist Equates Rabid MAGA Protestors To Civil Rights Icon Rosa Parks

Honestly, this may be one of the dumbest (and most offensive) comparisons ever.

In the past week there has been an uprising of angry Trump supporters, largely white men, who really want the economy to reopen and for stay at home orders to lift, even if it means they or their loved ones get sick or die. For some reason they feel like reducing the spread of a highly contagious and deadly virus is a bad thing, and that it is infringing on their rights, just like gun control laws do. I don't understand it either, but the reasoning in Trump supporters' minds is not logical.

Here is a photo from one of the protests, a photo that will surely be a Pulitzer Prize contender. It was taken by photojournalist Joshua Bickel of the Columbus Dispatch:

So, extreme right-wing economist and race-baiter Stephen Moore has a new description of the protesters. He said they are like ROSA PARKS. Yes, the same Rosa Parks who refused to sat in the back of the bus, and battled for racial equality.

His exact quote to the Washington Post was:

I call these people modern-day Rosa Parks. They are protesting against injustice and a loss of liberties.

No, Stephen. These idiots are not protesting against injustice. They did not have their liberties taken away. They are being asked to stay home for a few weeks, or months, to prevent the spread of a contagious and deadly virus, for which we have no treatment or cure. This is not meant to hurt anyone - it is meant to save lives. Not remotely similar to Rosa Parks.

He added to his statement when speaking to the New York Times, saying:

It’s interesting to me that the right has become more the Rosa Parks of the world than the left is. We need to be the Rosa Parks here, and protest against these government injustices.

Just abhorrent race-baiting by a member of Trump's "Back To Work" council, and part of a group called “Save Our Country,” working to stop business shut-downs and force the lifting of stay-at-home measures. Because who needs to be alive, as long as businesses are open and the economy comes back. Right? Dead people can shop. Wait...

Twitter had thoughts:

Sums is up nicely:

There is no bottom with these hateful, racist, evil people. And Trump gladly surrounds himself with them.

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