Fox Misleads On COVID, So Tucker Carlson Whines About Censorship
Hey Tucker, if your "news" network can't provide accurate health information during a pandemic, you deserve what's coming at you.
Aww Tucker Carlson is feeling picked on.
Tuesday night the Fox News host whined on-air about "THEM," those pointing out that Fox News has been either downplaying the seriousness of the COVID pandemic, or claiming, as Fox Nation hosts Diamond and Silk did THIS WEEK, that the numbers of deaths for the virus are somehow being inflated to "hurt the president."
This disinformation is having an effect on viewers. They will not take steps to protect themselves and they will die.
The network suits are "concerned" about legal liability for their lying. As we reported Gabe Sherman's remarks on Sunday:
The extent of pro-Trump disinformation on the virus is making Fox's legal department nervous, so Tucker Carlson waves the flag and cries "censorship."
I hope they get sued out of existence.