'Judge' Jeanine Pirro Flips Out About Stay At Home Orders During Unhinged Rant
"Your models are out of control. The economy is out of control. China is the one out of control," Pirro raged, clearly not in control.
FOX's Jeanine Pirro is known for explosive and unhinged rants at the opening of her Saturday night show, with many outwardly suggesting that she is drunk or under the influence of substances. This Saturday's opening segment, where she FLIPS out about coronavirus and stay at home orders, is one of the most jarring and alarming segments by a tv show host in a while. I am not sure why no one is doing an intervention of some sort. She is unhinged, ranting, out of control of her voice and her body. It is...odd.
Here is what she said:
Americans sheltered in their homes watching this unfold have seen the data and the facts change from day to day. First it was 2.2 million who were supposed to die in the United States. Then 1 million, then 500,000, then 250,000. and then 150,000. But the models are just plain wrong. And today a potentially lower death rate.
We understand there are still many sick and dying, and density and hot spots are to be treated differently. But what about the rest of us? We want to go back to work. Feed our families. And as the Governors sit there and pontificate. We are the ones experiencing the reality for every percentage drop in employment there are 5,000 to 6,000 deaths occurring.
Domestic violence. Drug addiction, loss of hope, battered women locked at home with their abusers. Abused children not being identified or protected because they cannot go to school.
i will wear my mask and gloves, and I will keep my distance, and I will be tested. But don't think about tracing or tracking me or giving me a card. It ain't happening. Your models are out of control.
The economy is out of control. China is the one out of control. We won't let you destroy this country or our way of life. We fought to hard to lose it to a Wuhan virus, that's what I said, the Wuhan virus, that China lied about, said it couldn't be transmitted from human-to-human and intentionally protected Chinese citizens from the virus, but allowed the virus to be released, putting the rest of the world at risk.
Just a few points:
1. Being asked to stay at home for a few weeks or months to minimize transmission of a deadly virus that has no treatment is not having "rights being trampled on". This line is tired.
2. The small business loan program ran out because large chunks of it went to companies that clearly do not need the money, like Ruth Chris Steakhouse, which got $20,000,000 in bailout money. Maybe Jeanine can have a chat with them.
3. The data models about predicted deaths from COVID factor in changes to transmission based on stay at home orders and their effectiveness. If nothing had happened, obviously significantly more people would have died. If we lift them too soon, the models will swing back and the predicted death rate will go back up.
4. The idea that those in less dense areas can go back to work is a common right wing talking point, but the reality is that people move between these areas. People living in high dense areas with a higher infection rate will travel to less dense areas to shop or socialize if that is there businesses reopen first. In addition to their money, guess what they bring with them? COVID.
5. The only way we can effectively determine infection rate in those that are asymptomatic or who may have been exposed before it testing and tracking. That is just a reality.
6. It is not the Wuhan virus, you drunk fool.
7. No idea where she got the "no transmission from human-to-human". That is literally how viruses spread. From people to people. Seriously, how drunk WAS she?
Oh Jeanine, bless your dumb drunk heart.