Kellyanne Wonders Why Joe Biden Won't 'Help' The Trump White House

Wait, what? There is a huge amount of whining on the right this morning but Kellyanne's "why doesn't Joe Biden offer to help us?" is a real WOW moment.

Joe Biden has challenged the Trump White House to take some very straight-forward steps on public health.

His plan includes a ban on evictions nationwide, protection for farm workers, you know, presidential stuff.

Kellyanne Conway can't stand it.

KELLYANNE CONWAY: I think it’s really disappointing to have President Obama’s No. 2, who apparently doesn’t talk much to him, out there criticizing instead of saying, ‘Here’s what we did that we thought was effective.' Why doesn’t Vice President Biden today call the White House and offer support?

I think the critics and the naysayers seem so much more small, so much more shrill and unhelpful and petty than they ever have.

Donald Trump deleted the Obama infrastructure for pandemic response, you twit.

She also said no one in the Trump White House is talking about politics these days.

Is that why she came out onto the White House lawn to bash Biden?

I usually don't end posts with Jennifer Rubin tweets, but really.

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