Laura Ingraham Freaks Out: 'Radical Left' Taking Advantage Of COVID

"The Left" is using the Coronavirus to...make it easier to vote!!! The humanity!!!

Laura Ingraham freaked out on Thursday.

Same as any other day, but Thursday she really seemed upset about the massive changes that the Coronavirus is making, not just to our daily lives, but to our politics.

This pandemic has exposed the failure of her politics.

Making it easier to vote (to prevent the spread of COVID)? That's a tool of "The Left" to win elections.

Gee, Laura, that's exactly like admitting that voter suppression is a tool of "The Right" to win elections.

And "The Left" is forcing you to have an abortion and taking away your guns, too.

How are those My Pillow ads going for you, Laura? Advertisers can't forget your racism, huh.

LAURA INGRAHAM: Phase four, COVID meets Solyndra. maybe we can call it "Covindra." Absolutely absurd, and this should be exposed and resisted at all costs by the GOP. Come on! If they're not going green though, they are going after the guns. because the same liberal governors who classified abortion clinics as essential businesses rushed in to close gun stores as nonessential. Gun owners, they weren't happy...

Right now, with everything we're facing, it's got to be Americans first. But of all the scams perpetrated through the covid nightmare, the effort to change voting -- we told you like two weeks ago this was going to happen -- is perhaps the worst. Anything to create more opportunities for ballot harvesting or even voter fraud.

Laura tweeted that she wants the Freedom Caucus to stand up to this!

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