Laura Ingraham Tries To Lie About Virus, Dr. Fauci Won't Let It Pass
She was insistent that COVID-19 could "just disappear."
No, Laura, you can't equate the COVID-19 pandemic with HIV or SARS. Dr. Fauci won't let you.
“We don’t have a vaccine for SARS, I mean, they got close in mice,” said the blonde chaos agent.
“We don’t have a vaccine for HIV. And life did go on, right? So the idea that we’re definitely going to have a vaccine — we didn’t really approach much else in the same way, as we’re pegging going back to normal with a vaccine, did we?”
“Well, no, but Laura, this is different,” said Fauci, who led the AIDS effort.
“HIV/AIDS is entirely different. We don’t have a vaccine for HIV/AIDS, but we have spectacularly effective treatment. People who invariably would have died years ago, right now are leading essentially normal lives. SARS is a different story, SARS disappeared.
"We developed a vaccine, we were in the process of going through the various phases, we showed it was safe, we showed it induced a good response. And then SARS disappeared. And we didn’t need to develop a vaccine for SARS.
"So I think it’s a little bit misleading, maybe, to compare what we’re going through now with HIV or SARS.”
Remember, until the pandemic developed, Ingraham's "career" was hanging by a thread. She's got one motivation for spreading coronavirus disinformation: Money.