Scarborough Calls Out Pence Statement On Tests As 'Blithering Idiocy'

"Vice President Pence is learning from Donald Trump that when you're caught dead on something, point back at the reporter and blame the media for misunderstanding it," the Morning Joe host said.

Just listen to this stunning horse hockey:

JON KARL: Mr. Vice President, in early March, you said we'd be at 4 million tests the following week. We just got there in the last few days. What have you learned about what went wrong, you know, a month and a half, over the last month and a half or two months, and what's going to go right now? What lessons have you learned from the mistakes over the last month and a half or so?

PENCE: I appreciate the question. but it represents a misunderstanding on your part. And, frankly, a lot of people in the public's part, about the difference between having a test versus the ability to actually process the test.

KARL: When you said 4 million tests seven weeks ago, you were talking about tests being sent out, not actually being completed? I'm a little confused.

PENCE: John, I think that's precisely correct. In my first week on this job, we were informed that HHS -- I believe IDT was the vendor -- had distributed a million and was distributing another 4 million. We believe they did. Again, those were tests that, frankly, but for the president's leadership, we'd still be waiting on those tests to be done, in many cases.

Scarborough and company proceeded to eviscerate Trump's Renfield.

"Okay. For all you students out there, kids doing class on Zoom, tell your teachers you can take the test but you just can't complete the test. The vice president says so. But you still want full credit for it," Mika Brzezinski said.

Scarborough said history will record that Donald Trump "failed miserably on testing. His administration failed miserably on testing. It left us lurching through the dark."

"Willie, you know what's so interesting about just the blithering idiocy of what Mike Pence said yesterday, was that probably a month ago, I was speaking to a governor of a very large state. Not New York, a very large state, who told me that, when it came to testing, that there was such a shortage because of the White House's ineptitude of chemicals that were required to make the tests work, he said it'd be like the White House bragging about sending out copying machines without ink," Scarborough said.

"He said, 'what good is' -- again, I had this conversation in early to mid-March. Said, 'What good is a copying machine if I can't put ink in the copying machine?' You know, I never said anything on the air. I thought that was ridiculous. I didn't really believe that the White House would ever posit such a stupid argument. But if you wait long enough, it happens. It happened yesterday with Mike Pence saying, 'Oh, we gave them the tests. they didn't have the material to complete the tests.' That's like saying, we sent them a copying machine. There's just no ink, so they can't use them."

"Vice President Pence is learning from Donald Trump that when you're caught dead on something, point back at the reporter and blame the media for misunderstanding it," Willie Geist said.

"What he said effectively was, 'We shipped them out. We don't know what happened after that.' We got the 4 million tests out. Doesn't mean they were conducted, which I hate to point out to the audience, the point of testing is to conduct it so we know who has it and who doesn't have it. As Vice President Pence tries to revise history about the president's leadership, let's remember what the president has been saying about testing. Remember, he said, 'Wwhat is the federal government supposed to do, stand on the street corner and conduct tests?' It's been his gut belief this is on the states, just like PPE is on the states, he says, just like ventilators were on the states, he says. This is a state by state problem."

He said he didn't know how Pence could look himself in the mirror.

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