That's 'PRESIDENT Mango Turdblossom' To You, Kayleigh McEnany

Trump's press secretary had a Nellie Olsen moment on Twitter, and now we cannot wait for her first press conference.

Not to date myself (though in lockdown, there's no one else to date me hahahaha also I'm married) but remember Nellie Olsen from Little House on the Prairie? Kayleigh McEnany reminds me of Nellie Olsen.

This is the image the comes to mind when I heard that McEnany, Trump's new press secretary, admonished a White House reporter, Katherine Faulders, for referring to him as "Trump." She told Faulders on Twitter, "To you, he's not Trump, he's PRESIDENT Trump!"

Well, The Hill already did a swell round up of Twitter reaction, so I hate to steal all their hard work, but I will take one tweet from them to remark on the sheer brilliance of it.

BRAVO, Brian Tyler Cohen. That is some impressive digging you did there to come up with that heinous, despicably racist tweet McEnany threw at PRESIDENT Obama way back in 2012 when she was all of 24 years old. Truly, truly perfection, Cohen, teach me your ways. (Insert heart eyes here) I mean, where the f*ck does a 24-year-old white blond blue-eyed female get the impression she is in a position to publicly talk to the President of the United States, a brilliant man who could easily have been her Constitutional Law professor at Harvard, btw, if he wasn't President, twice her age, as if he were her f*cking 10-year-old field hand? Calling him "son"?!? (No need to answer. It's rhetorical.)

Nellie. F*cking. Olsen.

Don't worry, I will do my own digging now for tweets in response, which will be the emotional equivalent of Laura pushing Nellie into the mud.

Maybe hold a damn press conference, Nellie.

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