Two-Thirds Of Americans Say Trump Acted 'Too Slow' In Addressing Pandemic
Nearly two-thirds of Americans say Trump was "too slow" in taking major steps to address the threat of coronavirus, according to a new Pew Research poll.
Nearly two-thirds of Americans say Donald Trump was "too slow" in taking major steps to address the threat of a coronavirus outbreak in the U.S., according to a new Pew Research poll.
Overall, Americans also continue to be incredibly sober about the pandemic, with 73% saying the "worst is still to come" in terms of problems facing the country due to the outbreak. Two-thirds of Americans also say they fear lifting social distancing restrictions "too quickly" while just 32% worry about not doing so quickly enough.
Trump stands apart from other officials in terms of how poorly his actions are viewed. Regardless of party, most Americans view the actions of their state and local elected officials and public health officials at the CDC, for instance, in a very positive light.
The news comes as Trump's job approval rating is trending downward in most public opinion polls after he got a brief boost last month. Gallup, for instance, which found Trump at a record-high 49% last month, released a poll this week in which Trump’s approvals slumped back to 43%.
Posted with permission from Daily Kos.