Why 'Matt Gaetz Is A Tool' Is Trending On Twitter, Part Infinity

"Matt Gaetz is a tool" trends at least once a week on Twitter, because yeah. Here's the latest video clip prompting the trending hashtag.

If you're on Twitter you might notice that the hashtag #MattGaetzIsATool - "Matt Gaetz is a tool" is a trending hashtag at least once a week. And it's always because of something he did.

So Matt Gaetz is the Republican Congressman from FL-1, the Florida Panhandle (AKA East Mobile or Southern Alabama). His district is R+22 which explains a lot. Highly tilted Republican districts often have the worst congressmen. Louie Gohmert's district is R+25. Steve King's district is R+11.

So Matt was on Laura Ingraham and she must have been delighted because "controversy" might bring her advertisers back, oops no it won't.

And Matt was there to whine that Democrats are politicizing the Coronavirus.

This guy.

And Chris Hahn, former aide to Chuck Schumer, was there to take down Matt.

CHRIS HAHN: I find it rich, that Congressman Gaetz is talking about politicizing this, after a STUNT YOU PULLED, on the House Floor with that gas mask.

Matt Gaetz is a great liar. He claimed he wasn't mocking people who called the virus serious. He wore it because Members of Congress go through dirty airports and have high exposure.

Then Laura Ingraham made it about the two men talking over each other.

Tune in next time when we find out another reason #MattGaetzIsATool.

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