Alex Jones Has Plans To Become A Cannibal: ‘I Will Eat My Neighbors’

Alex Jones proudly announced that when the famine comes, he’s “looking at” his neighbors and “ready to hang them up, gut ‘em and skin ‘em and chop ‘em up.”

Barstool News Network caught the jaw-dropping rant from Jones, a guy Donald Trump thinks has an “amazing” reputation:

JONES: I will eat my neighbors. I’m not letting my kids die. I’m just going to be honest. My superpower is being honest. I’ve extrapolated this out - and I won’t have to for a few years because I’ve got food and stuff - but I’m literally looking at my neighbors now and going, "I’m ready to hang them up, gut ’em and skin ’em and chop ‘em up." You know what? I’m ready.

After boasting that he is “probably the leader” of the self-sufficiency crowd, Jones continued:

JONES: The point is, is have you thought about that yet? Because I’m somebody who thought I could fix this. And I’m starting to think about having to eat my neighbors. You think I like sizing up my neighbor? How I’m gonna haul him up by a chain and chop his ass up? I’ll do it! My children aren’t going hungry! I will eat your ass! That’s what I want the globalists to know — I will eat your ass first!”

Whether you’re a globalist or not, thank your lucky stars if you don’t live anywhere near this guy.

(H/T Raw Story)

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