Congresswoman Breaks Down Over Corona Deaths, Which Include Her Mother-In-Law

Congresswoman Madeleine Dean (D-PA) brings human feeling to the pandemic -- something sorely lacking from you-know-where.

Dear Pennsylvania Congresswoman Madeline Dean,

We are so sorry for the loss of your mother-in-law, Joan Cunnane.

Thank you for your courage and honesty. Thank you for being willing to show your pain on the air. Thank you for being human in this crisis.

We want you to know, we hear you when you said, "The gravity here in Pennsylvania: We have had nearly 4000 deaths … In Montgomery County, we’ve had 556 deaths and one of those numbers is my own mother-in-law, Joan Cunnane.
Wonderful workers at her very small nursing home — putting themselves at risk, for not a lot of pay — kept us in touch."

We hear you when you said the nursing home workers made sure your mother-in-law could visit with you through a window when it was clear she was not going to make it.

We see your tears. And we are sorry.

We truly wish that the leadership of this nation had some tears for the dead. Had true appreciation for front-line healthcare workers. And had willingness and competence to help.

Thank you for bringing those qualities on television. It's good to be reminded that there are human beings working in Washington.

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