Trump's White House Has Not Learned Why You Don't Post Easily Photoshopped Banners
The internet mocked Donald Trump for his ridiculous large white banners claiming "Mission Accomplished."
Never, ever hang large banners with simple font on a white background. Why? Because you are just ASKING to have your banners photoshopped...and the resulting photoshop will not make you happy.
Welp, the White House clearly never got this memo, because they hung huge banners bragging about their testing successes.
As he stood in front of them, Donald Trump (lied) declared:
“We have met the moment, and we have prevailed."
Is 80,000 dead people "prevailing"? Is a 14.7% unemployment rate "prevailing"? If this is success, what is failure to these jokers?
When a reporter asked Donald Trump about when he expects people can get tested so they go back to work, he responded: “Very soon. I mean, really, very soon."
Well, that isn't quite wrong. But the better question would have been "when can people get tested so they go back to work SAFELY."
Anyone can be forced to go back to work. The key is doing is safely. But, you know, that isn't a concern for the Trump White House.
Well, during this disatrous press conference, twitter was blowing up with photoshopped signs.
Here is the original one:
Here are some hilarious ones:
The updated signs are more factually correct than the original one.