Falwell Jr. Says He'll Only Wear Mask If It Features 'Governor Blackface' And Klan Hood

After taking every opportunity to promote misinformation about COVID-19 and put the students at Liberty U in danger, Jerry Falwell Jr. found a way to inject racism into wearing a mask.

Falwell Jr. Says He'll Only Wear Mask If It Features 'Governor Blackface' And Klan Hood

Jerry Falwell Jr. has been pushing anti-COVID-19 propaganda for a couple of months now. He tried to keep Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, open during quarantine. He did this in opposition against everyone in Lynchburg and the greater area. He was forced to close the school as reality struck. His school has subsequently been sued for trying to keep students’ money, having mislead many into believing the school was going to be open during the pandemic.

Falwell has taken every opportunity to promote misinformation about COVID-19 and the public health decisions made to stem the spread of it. On Tuesday, Gov. Ralph Northam announced that citizens of the state would soon be required to wear masks when inside public spaces with others. The requirement is for individuals 10 and older. This comes as confirmed cases in the state approach 40,000 and daily cases continue to surge. Falwell Jr. was dead set against this ... until he figured out a way to make it super racist.

On Wednesday, the Evangelical huckster logged on to his social media platform.

Falwell is attacking Gov. Northam for Northam’s well-publicized 1984 year book photos, which Northam has apologized for and acknowledged were “clearly racist and offensive.” Fair enough—Gov. Northam’s yearbook imagery was super racist. Of course, Falwell Jr. being a special old-school racist kind of scumbag, is actually promoting white Evangelicals and Trump-supporting white folks walking around with racist imagery on their faces. Sort of like wearing a KKK hood or a swastika.

The responses to Falwell Jr.’s declaration of how much of a punk he is came fast and furious.

There is no sign that Falwell Jr. is selling these masks, just that he has designed his own offensive blackface mask, which he plans on wearing.

Posted with permission from Daily Kos.

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