IRONY: Anti Vote-By-Mail Press Secretary Voted By Mail 11 Times In Last 10 Years

Kayleigh McEnany, the newest White House Press Secretary, has been parroting Trump's anti vote-by-mail sentiments but she actually votes by mail herself.

The White House's newest Press Secretary has some explaining to do. While she has been standing at the podium for weeks decrying vote by mail, parroting Donald Trump's conspiracy theories about illegal voting, it turns out Kayleigh McEnany herself LOVES voting by mail. In fact, the Tampa Bay Times is reporting that Kayleigh has voted by mail 11 times in 10 years. ELEVEN TIMES.

Well, isn't that interesting. The White House claims voting by mail is an open invitation to election fraud, crime, ballot stuffing and has even said the quiet part out loud - that if people are allowed to vote by mail, Republicans would always lose. Fact check on that statement: FALSE.

So, why is Kayleigh voting by mail so much? She is from Tampa and has voted by mail in every single election since 2010. Most recently she voted by mail in the 2020 Presidential Primary back in March of this year. Donald Trump also voted by mail this year. But, you know, it isn't good enough for the little people.

Just last week Kayleigh said that voting by mail was fine for Donald Trump because "the president is, after all, the president, which means he’s here in Washington. He’s unable to cast his vote down in Florida, his state of residence.”

Ok, so if we go down the rabbit hole of her empty bobblehead, we land at "he has an excuse, so it's ok." Fine. Let's say that is the excuse - he is in DC and can't hop on a plane to vote (he can, but let's pretend that he can't). What is HER excuse? She isn't the President and until a few weeks ago, she wasn't a White House employee. She could have voted in person over the last 10 years.

And that is where her spin fell flat. This was her statement (aka excuse):

“Absentee voting has the word absent in it for a reason. It means you’re absent from the jurisdiction or unable to vote in person. President Trump is against the Democrat plan to politicize the coronavirus and expand mass mail-in voting without a reason, which has a high propensity for voter fraud. This is a simple distinction that the media fails to grasp.”

But Florida does not have "absentee voting". It is just called mail-in voting. In fact, people in Florida can vote by mail anytime without needing to provide a reason. Clearly the White House Press Secretary has no idea what she is talking about. So why does Kayleigh think mail in voting should be restricted?

Hypocrisy, thy name is Kayleigh. She is easily the worst Press Secretary of this administration. A combination of ego, hubris and an inability to lie as well as her predecessors. She won't last long.

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