James Carville Flattens Both Siderism: 'Trump Is The Clorox Kid!'

Kasie Hunt and the rest of cable news need to stop it with "But Her Emails 2: Electric Boogaloo".

Kasie Hunt tried in vain to "both-sides" Donald Trump's Access Hollywood tape with the recent Joe Biden gaffe (for which the former vice-president apologized.)

And James Carville isn't having it.

JAMES CARVILLE: The "Access Hollywood" tape and this little thing Biden made, they're not even remotely comparable. They're not the same solar system. And I just hope we don't go back to this, "but what about the emails." I mean, Biden made an error. He apologized for it. And move on. We can obsess on this, but this is -- in the scheme of things, this is not going to amount to diddley squat come the election in November and I really believe that. We have to be careful not to ---- put "on one hand on the other hand." This is on 100 hands and on one finger.

KASIE HUNT: Fair enough. So, I want to play for you a little bit of what Donald Trump had to say over the weekend...

[MAJOR James Carville eyeroll]

...in an interview about the former vice-president, his opponent, in the election. And he seems to get right at the heart of the real argument they're going to try to use to go afternoon him in November. Let's watch and then I'd like to get your response to it.


REPORTER: What do you think is joe biden's strongest feature as a competitor in politics?

LIAR IN CHIEF: Well, I would have said experience, but he doesn't really have experience because I don't think he remembers what he did yesterday. So how is that experience? He's not mentally sharp enough to be president. Biden doesn't know -- I mean, he doesn't know he's alive.


HUNT: So, James, I mean, this is something that, you know, in plenty of campaigns past this has been an unspoken attack that some -- that one candidate has leveled at another, somebody was in poor health or was too old. The president in this campaign is putting it out there in this incredibly direct way. Is it going to work?

CARVILLE: The Clorox kid? Anybody can make a gaffe, make a word come out the wrong way. Nobody ever stood in front of the whole United States and told them to drink Clorox, right? We have to quit chasing this stupidity around. He is getting beat and he's getting beat bad. He's getting beat in the Fox poll, the Quinnipiac poll, the NBC poll. And he's going to lose bad. And Jonathan Swain is right. They're going to try anything they can to try to change the conversation. They're not going to be successful. And we don't need to be helping him be successful. He doesn't know where he is right now. You can look, the American people are turning on him by the day. Joe Biden is fine. Joe Biden performed I thought superbly in a lot of the debates. Yeah, he said some things sometimes that came out the wrong way. Go look at Trump gaffes. Look at the things that he has said and the words he's mispronounced. I mean they're just silly. We don't need to follow this kind of silliness that he puts out. And the idea he's going to go play golf and that's going to turn this election around for him, that's his only hope? Play golf, man, can't lose doing that! At least you're not talking to the public!

#BothSidesDont, Kasie. And it is NOT YOUR JOB to prop up Donald Trump so there's a horserace in November. People are DYING because of this sh*thead in the White House. Get real.

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