Juan Williams Brings Dose Of Reality To Fox On Who Is 'Mentally Fit' To Hold Office

Juan Williams shot down Fox's "Obamagate" conspiracy theory and talked about which presidential candidate might be considered mentally unfit.

Fox regular Juan Williams gave Trump another reason to try to get Chris Wallace booted off the network when he brought a dose of reality to this weekend's Fox News Sunday. Wallace asked Williams about Biden's age, and the Trump campaign's line of attack that Biden is too old and senile to handle being president.

After first shooting down the right's latest faux conspiracy theory, Williams rightfully noted that we've only got one candidate out there pushing conspiracy theories and dangerous misinformation on the coronavirus.

WALLACE: Juan, I want you to weigh in on that, and I also want you to weigh in on another attack line that the president, president Trump is using against Joe Biden—that at age 77, he is not up to the job of becoming president.

I want to play a clip from one of those events from the studio basement in Delaware from Joe Biden's home there, in which he frankly mixed up the number of lies lives and jobs lost in this pandemic. Take a look.

BIDEN: We are in the middle of a pandemic that has cost us more than 85,000 jobs as of today. Lives of millions of people. Millions of people. Millions of jobs.

WALLACE: Juan, don't you have to wonder about Joe Biden after this long layoff, shut in, in his basement in Delaware, how he's going to do once he gets on the campaign trail facing voters and also facing questions, lots of questions, from reporters?

WILLIAMS: Well, I think first thing, let me just say Chris that with regard to the so-called Obamagate, there is no Obamagate. President Trump himself can't even say what President Trump—I'm sorry, what President Obama did that was wrong or criminal, and if any of us right here on the show lied to the FBI, twice plead guilty, we'd be in jail right now—right now.

So I just think this is a total effort, if you're thinking of it in strategic terms, to distract from the Trump administration's failed handling of the coronavirus crisis.

With regard to age, I think that President Trump turns 74 next month, Joe Biden 77. The only one of them that seems to prefer conspiracy theories and talking about putting disinfectant in your body is President Trump, not Joe Biden.

And with regard to the campaign trail, we live in a moment when telework, Zoom conferences have become the new normal, and so far in terms of campaigning, fundraising, giving interviews, Joe Biden has been doing that from his basement. He is a good retail politician, I've seen him out on the stump, but I'm not sure that's the reality of how this campaign is going to go forward. We're are not even sure about the conventions at this point.

It's pretty ironic that someone who has told over 18,000 lies since taking office, and spends most of his time rage tweeting instead of showing an ounce of empathy for the tens of thousands of Americans who have died during the pandemic, and is obviously mentally unstable would attack someone else as to whether they're fit to serve as president, but projection is all they've got left.

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