Killer Mike Gives Impassioned Speech About The Death Of George Floyd

The rapper told Atlanta residents now is 'not [the] time to burn down your own home.'

A speech worth listening to in its entirety, not simply as a call for calm in Atlanta after widespread vandalism, but also the frank discussion of race in America and the history that has brought us to where we are. Near the end, Mike notes that we have a "dumbass" president quoting segregationists on Twitter, just making matters worse.

Source: NME

Killer Mike has given an impassioned speech to the residents of Atlanta after violence began on the city’s streets following the death of George Floyd.
“We have to be better than burning down our own homes because if we lose Atlanta, what else we got?” the rapper said. “It is your duty to not burn your own house down for anger with an enemy. It is your duty to fortify your own house, so that you may be a house of refuge in times of organisation. And now is the time to plot, plan, strategise, organise, and mobilise.

“It is time to beat up prosecutors you don’t like at the voting booth. It’s time to hold mayoral offices accountable, chiefs and deputy chiefs.”

He continued: “I’m mad as hell. I woke up wanting to see the world burn down. I’m tired of seeing black men die. He casually put his knee on a human being’s neck for nine minutes as he died like a zebra in the clutch of a lion’s jaw, and we watch it like murder porn, over and over again.
He then referenced controversial recent tweets from President Donald Trump, saying: “We don’t need a dumbass president repeating what segregationists said: ‘If you start looting, we start shooting.'”

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