KT McFarland's Ludicrous Claim: Flynn Was Targeted For Wanting To 'Reform' Intelligence Agencies

Fox "news" is gearing up to try to criminalize and politicize the entire Mueller investigation following William Barr's unprecedented and dangerous interference in the Michael Flynn case.

As CNN's legal analyst Jeff Toobin pointed out the other day, Barr's shocking interference in the Michael Flynn case proves Trump is desperate to erase the Mueller investigation, and as Media Matters has reported, Fox has been laying the groundwork for the DOJ's actions for months on end now, lying about why Flynn was charged and claiming that the FBI was trying to entrap Flynn, when the truth of the matter is there was more than enough evidence that Flynn was compromised and acting on behalf of the Russians.

Trump and his allies next move is going to be to try to weaponize the Flynn case, and his propaganda network is happily helping them in that endeavor in segments such as the one above with former Deputy National Security Advisor KT McFarland, who served under Flynn. She did her best to give cover to Barr by claiming that the Obama administration "wanted to get Flynn" because he supposedly "knew where all the bodies were buried" and the only reason they had it out for him is because he wanted to "reform, streamline and reorganize" our intelligence agencies, and, of course, they just had it out for Trump as well, and were trying to undermine his national security team.

Here's more from the Media Matters article on what's actually going on, as opposed to the alternate reality being pushed by Fox:

Flynn pleaded guilty in 2017 to lying to the FBI during special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, and then withdrew his guilty plea in January 2020. The motion to dismiss the charges against Flynn claimed that recently uncovered documents from the FBI indicated Flynn’s interview was never “material” to the Mueller investigation. The filing “was signed only by the politically appointed U.S. Attorney Timothy Shea” and not by any career prosecutors. Moments before the motion was filed, the top prosecutor in the Flynn case abruptly withdrew from it without explanation.

Flynn’s legal team claimed that the new documents turned over to them from the Department of Justice demonstrated that the FBI was trying to trap Flynn in the 2017 interview. Fox News has been echoing this talking point from Flynn’s legal team throughout the past month and showcasing his lawyer Sidney Powell regularly on the network.

In reality, as Marcy Wheeler reviews at length, none of this evidence was new. She concludes that “by making a claim there’s new information when DOJ had the information all the time but Mike Flynn did not” that “DOJ has become the defense attorney for a sworn felon.” That would make Fox News co-counsel.


Fox News’ goal all along has been to justify letting Flynn off the hook even though he pled guilty. Now that Attorney General William Barr’s Justice Department -- which has a history of corrupting the legal process on Trump’s behalf -- has dropped the charges against Flynn, Fox News’ narrative has been vindicated in the eyes of the most fervent Trump supporters.

One only hopes that mainstream outlets don't fall for it.

In alternate reality land, they're trying to turn this against the Obama administration with McFarland and company giving us a preview at the end of this segment from Saturday's Fox & Friends:

HEGSETH: So, you're saying, potentially, all the way up to President Obama, this was known, and this was intentional, and there's more to come?

MCFARLAND: Yeah, I think that the way Attorney General Barr has dismissed charges, indicates to me that there is a lot more to come. There's a treasure trove of documents, handwritten notes, or, and probably in addition, somebody is really talking. You know, that January 5th meeting, I met with the same intelligence people as President Trump did at Trump Tower the next day.

So that was Comey, Brennan, Clapper, and they clearly hated Trump's guts. They could hardly be in the same room with him. And that's where Comey pulled Trump aside after our meeting and he talked to him about the Steele dossier, which is completely discredited, and I think it was basically an attempt to sort of shake down Trump.

They always project. Always.

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