Ohio Lawmaker Refuses To Wear A Mask Because God Doesn't Wear One

Rep. Nino Vitale said on Facebook that we are created in the image of God.

Watch Acton, Gov. DeWine and Rep. Vitale in this 90-second video “On Wearing Masks.”

Watch Dir. Acton, Gov. DeWine and Rep. Vitale in this 90-second video “On Wearing Masks.” “Don’t use masks they won’t stop the spread – Dr. Acton” (early April), “Mandate Masks – Dr. Acton” (late April), “No mandate for masks – Gov. DeWine” (late April), “All - Don your cape and mask” - Dr. Acton-Early May), “Mandate for only employees – Dr. Acton” (early May), “masks were a bridge too far” – Gov DeWine (yesterday). (Wearing a Mask)…”was just a bridge too far that people were not going to accept the government telling them what to do.” – Yesterday on Sunday Television – Gov DeWine Dr. Acton spent weeks telling us that masks make no difference in stopping the spread and were not needed for the general public. Then she spent all of last week telling us to “don our cape and mask”, and that in other counties, this is the norm and we should make it the new normal in Ohio and even the entire nation forever. DeWine was on national television on Sunday stating, “masks were just a bridge too far.” Just in the past 6 days, they have changed their mind about masks 4 times. What is my response? “This is not the entire world. This is the greatest nation on earth founded on Judeo-Christian Principles. One of those principles is that we are all created in the image and likeness of God. That image is seen the most by our face. I will not wear a mask.” – Rep. Vitale See Acton, Dewine and Vitale in this 90 second video. It is time to do what Preble County did, ignore the unelected Dr. Acton’s orders, open your counties now, before it’s too late. This is not based on logic, this is based on fear and propaganda and every statistical, data driven study done in the last 2 weeks says death counts are low, the models were wrong, and this is more like the flu. Additionally, these orders were NOT voted on by 2/3rds of a vote of the legislature, as need to be done in cases of emergencies in Ohio. These are INVALID orders. The highest law of Ohio, the Ohio Constitution states … “emergency laws necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety, shall go into immediate effect. Such emergency laws upon a yea and nay vote must receive the vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each branch of the general assembly…” Article 2 Section 01d – Emergency Laws #SpreadTruthOhio - SHARE THIS POST - Don't forget to like this page and stay up on posts. #OhioIsOpen #StopSpreadingFear #MasksDoNotWork – says Dr. Acton herself (sometimes)

Posted by Rep. Nino Vitale on Monday, May 4, 2020

I'll give this guy props for originality for his nuttiness. But I suppose religious zealots can rationalize just about any damn thing that pops into their brains if they've a mind to.

Source: WKRC

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WKRC) - An Ohio state representative said he will not wear a mask for religious reasons. Rep. Nino Vitale also calls the orders keeping many Ohio businesses closed invalid.

Vitale represents Champaign, Logan and Shelby counties northeast of Columbus.

In a Facebook post, he criticizes the policies of Gov. Mike DeWine and Dr. Amy Acton, especially their suggestions for customers to wear masks and the requirements from employees to do so.

"This is not the entire world. This is the greatest nation on earth founded on Judeo-Christian Principles. One of those principles is that we are all created in the image and likeness of God. That image is seen the most by our face. I will not wear a mask."

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