Scarborough: 'You're Not Well,' Tells Trump He Should Let Pence Fill In For Him
"Mr. President, I ask that you get checked out. I ask that you take a rest," the Morning Joe host said.
Donald Trump started the day with this:
Joe Scarborough responded by saying he understood that Trump didn't want to hear about the impending second wave of the pandemic.
"Obviously, Donald, you didn't want to hear that again. I know I've been saying it a lot. You actually tweeted something extraordinarily cruel. I know you meant to be extraordinarily cruel to me by attacking me, by bringing up a conspiracy theory that has lived in the gutters of the internet for some time now.
"But just like the Seth Rich conspiracy murder that was pushed by your allies, you don't understand the pain you cause, you cause to families who have already lost a loved one. Not me. Not my children. Not anybody that knows me or -- they know the truth. You, once again, drag a family through this and make them relive it again, just like Seth Rich's parents. As if losing a loved one the first time isn't enough." (An autopsy showed a former staffer collapsed due to an undiagnosed heart condition and suffered a fatal blow to the head as she fell.)
"But this weekend, my God, you were supposed to have a working weekend. You got it wrong again. You said 50,000, 60,000. Now you said 100,000 deaths. What did you do during your working weekend?"
He listed all the people Trump attacked this weekend, including former president George W. Bush.
"You attacked George W. Bush for simply sending out a unifying message, to give Americans hope. He said positive things about Americans. He said positive things about health care workers. He said positive things about this country. He said, 'We choose to rise.' Even that offended you."
He said Trump needed a break.
"Mr. President, I ask that you get checked out. I ask that you take a rest. I ask that you take care of yourself. Maybe let Mike Pence run things for the next week. You're not well. Let Mike Pence work with Dr. Fauci, work with Dr. Birx," he said. He said it would be best for the country, and for the Republican party.
He repeated his advice.
"Mr. President, you're getting worse every day. You need to take a rest. You need to let Mike Pence actually run things for the next couple of weeks. Come back when you're feeling a little better and when you can really actually focus on your job. You just can't do that right now.
"Americans are dying every day because of it."
Brilliant. Trump's blood pressure must be in the red zone right now.