Sen. Chuck Schumer Rips Trump For Muzzling The CDC On Guidelines For Reopening

The New York senator went off: anyone who says to drink bleach is not a "stable genius."

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Wednesday blasted President Donald Trump’s administration for reportedly shelving a Centers from Disease Control (CDC) plan to deal with the novel coronavirus pandemic.

“Last week, Americans learned that the Trump White House had blocked release by the Centers for Disease Control of a document that contained guidance for safely reopening up the country,” Schumer explained during a speech on the Senate floor. “Making the wrong decision about when, where and how to reopen could result in loss of precious life that could be otherwise saved and in the occurrence of a COVID second wave that, God forbid, could be worse than the first.”

“The country needs guidance of the nation’s best medical and scientific experts,” he continued. “But the White house has blocked the release of the CDC guidance reportedly so the president and his political appointees can make changes to it.”

Schumer added: “As we all know, the president is not a doctor. The president is not a scientist. Many don’t even believe he’s a stable genius like he thinks he is. It has become painfully clear over the last two months how unfamiliar he is with the disciplines of science and medicine. Anyone who would say, ‘Drink bleach — use bleach to protect yourself,’ is not much of a medical expert.”

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