Sen. Kamala Harris Flames Trump And Barr For Dropping Flynn Charges During Pandemic
What kind of monster does this while children are hungry and states need COVID-19 tests and PPE and unemployment stands at 15%?
Senator Kamala Harris is NOT HAPPY with Bill Barr's professional choices. Suffice it to say, she has had his number from the very start, when he exhibited a strange sort of amnesia about what the word "suggest" means during his confirmation hearing. Kamala "Hinted? Inferred? You don't know." Harris had some thoughts for the brazenly corrupt, slavish attorney general and his master Trump yesterday when she appeared on Nicolle Wallace's Deadline White House.
Wallace and Sen. Harris spent a good deal of time discussing the tragic, yet avoidable, fallout from this COVID-19 crisis: unemployment and hunger. Unemployment now stands at nearly 15% and there is a devastating, worsening hunger crisis facing America's children: nearly 20% are going hungry.
Wallace asked Sen. Harris what she makes of all our nation has been through in the last two months, the senator set it up in stark contrast to the profoundly f*cked up priorities of this administration — specifically the DOJ dropping charges against Michael Flynn, who admitted he lied to the FBI.
Keep holding their feet to fire, Senator.