President Tweety Threatens To Cut Funding To Michigan Over 'Illegal' Absentee Ballots
He seems nervous.
On the morning of massive flooding in the state of Michigan, President Ranty McTweety is threatening to cut off funding to the state over absentee ballots. (Naturally, he got the details wrong.) And this is exactly what Democrats predicted when Republicans refused to vote for the Orange Cheeto's impeachment. Via WXYZ-TV in Detroit:
On Tuesday, Michigan Secretary of State announced that all registered voters would receive absentee ballot applications in both the August Primary Election and November General Election.
Trump erroneously tweeted Wednesday morning that Michigan is sending absentee ballots to all registered voters.
He said Benson's decision was "done illegally and without authorization." He went on to say that he will ask to hold up funding to Michigan "if they want to go down this voter fraud path."
There are 7.7 million registered voters in Michigan, and about 1.3 are on the permanent absent voter list. That means the local election clerk mails them applications ahead of every election.
There are 7.7 million registered voters in Michigan, and about 1.3 are on the permanent absent voter list. That means the local election clerk mails them applications ahead of every election.
Benson said the Michigan Bureau of Elections has ensured all remaining registered voters receive an application.
Those getting the application in the mail will also get a cover letter with instructions. Once a voter signs their application, they can mail it or email a photo of it to their local clerk, whose contact information will be on the application.
The application is also available for download at, and at that website, people can also register to join the permanent absent voter list so they always have an option to vote by mail.
UPDATE: Apparently someone on Fox News must have decided to correct him because he amended his tweet to this, which is still the work of an utter imbecile with no understanding of how voting works. It's all just his play to delegitimize the election: