Whoops, Fox And Friends Just Made The Case For Biden 2020

I think we all know who Steve Doocy is betting on to win in 2020.

If they don't just fill their hour with nonsensical chat, Fox and Friends will have to talk about Donald Trump's twitter stream. Can't do that.

So Steve Doocy tries to make a "fair and balanced" case for the two candidates going into November 2020. Basically to fill the segment with some meaningless election/Covid talk.

He points out that many voters vote based on how they feel on Election Day, and we are months out from that.

See if you can spot the difference on how he discusses the two candidates. Balanced? Ya think?

DOOCY ON TRUMP: Of course the Trump team is banking on some sort of [economic] bounce back. A comeback. And so that becomes the argument. "Look, we were hit by this coronavirus, which we have never seen in our lifetimes, President Trump...did what he did...and helped us dig out. Do you trust him enough to help guide us to a complete recovery, whatever that's going to look like, or...

DOOCY ON BIDEN: ...you got the Biden team, saying, look, this guy did not handle the pandemic right, he mishandled the economy, Joe Biden, given what he and Barack Obama did in the recession of 2009, is better suited going forward.

Doocy then goes on to say the election hinges on "the bounceback" in the economy, but the die is cast. Trump "did what he did," Biden/Obama saved the economy in 2009. Pivot to blaming the Blue States, quick!

DOOCY: As long as big states like New York and California continue to shut things down, it's going to be hard to dig out of the hole...

And then Doocy suggested that TRUMP is floating the idea of a virtual RNC?

I think it's DOOCY doing the floating.

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