Wouldn't It Be Ironic If Reade's Accusation Actually Helps Biden's Campaign?
Although I've been worried that this accusation could sink his candidacy -- an outcome I still think is possible -- I find myself entertaining another possibility: What if this puts him back in the spotlight and makes him seem likable?
These days, it's predictable that Jennifer Rubin will be favorably disposed toward opponents of Donald Trump. But I don't think she's really putting her thumb on the scale in this description of the interview Joe Biden gave today to Morning Joe on the subject of Tara Reade's sexual assault allegations:
Biden sat for a tough interview Friday without losing his cool. He was not angry or accusatory; he did not claim a conspiracy nor insult the accuser. He volunteered to open Senate papers (which he said are at the National Archives, not at the University of Delaware). In short, he did what an innocent person would do and say.
I'm not sure I'd describe the interview as "tough," but it put Biden on the record addressing the allegations in detail. Here it is: