BREAKING: SCOTUS Strikes Down Louisiana Abortion Restrictions

John Roberts the swing vote.

Shorter John Roberts: If you lose at SCOTUS, don't stack the court and reshop the decision. CNBC:

The Supreme Court on Monday voted 5-4 to strike down a restrictive Louisiana abortion measure in a major win for reproductive rights activists, with Chief Justice John Roberts siding with the court’s four liberals.

The case involved a Louisiana abortion law requiring doctors who provide abortions to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of their clinic. Challengers of the law alleged the restriction would limit the state to just one abortion provider at a single clinic.

Cecile Richards, Former Planned Parenthood president, is still worried about the future.

CECILLE RICHARDS: Across the country are broadly concerned. you're seeing an enormous gender gap in the presidential election. I know most recently I think women favoring Joe Biden over the current president by 18 points. and there is an understanding by women that this administration, not only on the issue of abortion, but on birth control, on a lot of other issues, has not been on their side. So to me, this is actually further indication as many of the other folks have said, this narrow case, this is a huge victory, but we see an administration that appointed two justices who have clearly voted against women's rights, we know Ruth Bader Ginsburg, such an important voice on the Court and part of this majority, unclear how long Justice Ginsburg will be on the Court. and the next president may very well make a critical Supreme Court appointment and that's going to be on the mind of women when they go vote in November.

And gee, Susan Collins PROMISED us Kavanaugh wouldn't vote the way he did.

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