Brianna Keilar Is Not Taking Any Of This Trump Puppet's Crap

"Is that funny to you, Tim?" she asked.

It's always a given that if you work for Trump, the major part of your job description is lying, so it's always nice to see his surrogates shrink under professional questioning. Here's Trump campaign official Tim Murtaugh trying to evade Brianna Keilar when she asked him about Trump saying he told his people to stop testing for the coronavirus.

Here's the bad part. When you do testing to that extent, you're going to find more people, you'll find more cases. So I said to my people, slow the testing down, please.

"Is that true, he's asked for the testing to be slowed down?" she said.

"No, it's not. As a matter of fact, the United States leads the world in testing. We've tested more than 25 million Americans --"

"So, why is he saying that then?"

"I understand there's not a lot of a sense of humor at CNN. He was joking. When you expand testing, you will naturally detect the number of cases. That's the very point he was making. I'm not surprised you're unable or unwilling to understand the president has a tongue-in-cheek remark there. But that was the point he's making," Murtaugh said.

"I mean, Tim, 120,000 Americans dead. I do not think that is funny. Do you?" she replied.

"He was trying to illustrate the point that when you expand testing --"

"You said it's a joke?"

He said Trump was using "ironic" humor. Keilar was skeptical.

"Is it funny, Tim? Dead Americans? Unemployed Americans? Is that funny to you?"

"You can ask it 100 different ways. But the point the president was making --"

"And you won't answer it. And there's a reason why," she said.

"I am answering it. The president was illustrating the point that American testing has expanded to such lengths that we are now detecting more positive cases. It stands to reason -- it stands to reason we will have more positive cases when you do more testing. That's just a fact."

"You are aware that that hospitalization numbers disprove what you are saying. That testing does not solely account for the numbers we're seeing, including Florida, a state you just held up as a model, which is certainly is not," she said.

"It is not funny that Americans are dying. It's not funny that they're unemployed."

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