Former Never-Trumper Glenn Beck Climbs On The Soros Conspiracy Train

Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories get clicks in Trump World, so Glenn Carnival-Barker Beck is all over that!

I'm so old, I remember when Glenn Beck was my trusted never-Trumper ally. Remember?

How dare I question his sincerity! Didn't I realize that this was an all-hands-on-deck situation?

So stuff your suspicions, sir, and welcome your new lodge brother! And arm-in-arm we shall march forward -- blue-check media persons in the front, loser bloggers waaaaay in the rear -- into our bright tomorrow!

And then... (Transcript via Media Matters)

GLENN BECK (HOST): When was the last time you paid attention to who's running your local district attorney? I'd be willing to bet most of us have never thought "gee, I wonder what's happening in the exciting D.A. race this year." I hate to do this again but you really, literally, can't research or look into any of these things without running into, yes, spooky dude himself. Look, I tried. I really tried. But he's always connected to these things. He's a dark lord. He just is.

George Soros has been buying district attorneys all over the country since at least 2015. He's poured millions into trying to reshape the justice system. He can't do it at the federal level, so he switched gears and went directly to the states. Oh, and by the way, he's also funding BLM.

Soros = "Dark Lord"? Wow, that's so not-at-all subtle.

Make sure you hammer home the Jewish banker buying up the justice system and funding black protests.

And use terms like "these people"?


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