Fox Dumped Trump Speech, Aired Biden Ripping His COVID-19 Response Instead

Filed under “Pigs Fly”: Fox News cut away from Donald Trump’s speech, then aired Joe Biden shredding Trump for trolling his enemies on Twitter harder than he fights the pandemic.

Filed under “Pigs Fly”: Fox News cut away from Donald Trump’s speech, then aired Joe Biden shredding Trump for trolling his enemies on Twitter harder than he fights the pandemic.

Vox’s Aaron Rupar called Trump’s VA speech a “word salad”:

As Contemptor’s Richard W. showed, Fox bailed on Trump at 2:28 ET:

But a few minutes later, Fox aired Biden.

It was a doozy of a speech:

BIDEN: Donald Trump’s failure to fight the coronavirus with the same energy and focus that he uses to troll his enemies on Twitter has cost us lives — and is putting hope for an economic recovery at risk.

Jobs numbers and retail sales reports were better than expected in May. That’s great news for our country. But now Donald Trump’s desire to declare victory and be done with it is only going to imperil the continued progress we have to make.

Our economy is still sputtering, with more than 20 million people unemployed and no clear guidance from the federal government for what businesses need to do to re-open safely, efficiently and generate a strong recovery.

This isn’t a debate about whether to reopen — it’s about how we make reopening work for everyone.

The employees at the White House, they get daily COVID-19 tests. They know they’re safe before they go to work — and they know their co-workers are safe. They have the confidence to resume their lives.

Workers across the country aren’t asking for daily testing — they’re just asking for regular, reliable access to tests. Don’t they deserve that?

So it’s not that Donald Trump doesn’t recognize the importance of testing. It’s that he’s not up to the task. Or doesn’t care. And now, he’s seemingly decided that he doesn’t even want to try.

But just like he couldn’t wish COVID-19 away in March, just like he couldn’t tweet it away in April — he can’t ignore it away in June.

The full speech is amazing, one of Biden’s best. Watch it in full and get ready for a Trump Twitter meltdown.

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