Jake Tapper Concern Trolls Over Whether Democrats Have Moved 'Too Far To The Left'

CNN's Jake Tapper asks a so-called "moderate Republican" not about his party's shift to the extreme right, but instead concern trolls over whether or not "independents" might be turned off by the Democratic party moving too far to the left.

In an age when we've got an authoritarian so-called president veering the country straight into fascism, aided and abetted by his party which has moved further and further to the right over the last few decades, with a shrinking base that now openly caters to white supremacists, and that is determined to dismantle our democratic institutions one by one, how does CNN's Jake Tapper wrap up an interview with Secretary of State Colin Powell?

Why, by giving credence to the right wing talking point that it's the Democratic party that has somehow moved to far to the left, of course:

TAPPER: Last question for you, sir. And we really do appreciate your time today.

There are a lot of independent voters out there, or moderates, Democrats and Republicans, who might be concerned that the Democratic Party is drifting too far to the left. And they hear your comments about President Trump.

Why is it so important to you that President Trump not be reelected?

And just who are these so-called "independents" out there asking this question? Because the only people I've heard repeating this are, one, all of the pundits on Fox "news," who are not "independents," and an endless string of Republican never-Trumpers who continually fearmongered that if the Democrats nominated someone from the progressive side of the aisle for president, they were going to reelect Trump.

Never mind that we've got Biden as the nominee, the both-siderism and pretending that there's been some equal move to the "extremes" by both Democrats and Republicans is never going to end. Someone let me know when Jake Tapper starts asking every Republican that makes an appearance on his shows about the dangerous shift to the right wing fringe from their party. I won't hold my breath while I wait.

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