Jimmy Kimmel Does A Great Job Explaining White Privilege

For the people in the back who think 'all lives matter' is an appropriate response, maybe they'll listen to Jimmy Kimmel.

Jimmy Kimmel has a way of explaining things for people who think of themselves as "not political." His explanation of the health care debate in 2017 (right after his son was born with critical health issues) helped define public opinion when Republicans wanted to take away Obamacare.

Tuesday night he put the term "white privilege" into small words for the people in the back. He started by admitting his own misunderstanding of the term and how he learned to correct it.

JIMMY KIMMEL: To me, white privilege - was what Donald Trump had - a wealthy father - and a silver spoon in his mouth. It wasn't what I grew up with. So, I rejected it - because I didn't understand what white privilege - meant. But I think I do now. I think I at least understand some of it - and here's what I think it is. People who are white - we don't have to deal with negative assumptions being made about us - based on the color of our skin. It rarely happens. If ever. Whereas black people experience that - every day. Every day.

Kimmel then told the story of a black person who owns a store, calling the police on white looters, and the arriving police immediately handcuffing HIM instead of the looters.

KIMMEL: Imagine how frustrating it must be to get handcuffed, or frisked, or pulled over, just because you're Black.
Even if the cop looks in the car and goes, 'Okay, everything's fine, have a nice day.' How do you swallow that and move on with your day? I don't know about you, but that would make me furious.

So if you're wondering why people are angry, and why they can't just march nicely in the street, holding up their signs in a single file line, maybe that's why. I read something last night that I think makes a lot of sense. It's this: 'White privilege doesn't mean your life hasn't been hard. It just means the color of your skin isn't one of the things that makes it harder.' Wherever you stand, I don't see how you can argue with that.

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