KY Rep: Protesters Are 'Inarticulate' And 'Criminals'

Rep. Thomas Massie, who represents the state ranking 45th in education, and 47th in poverty calls those protesting the murder of George Floyd "inarticulate" and "criminals."

White racist Kentucky GOP Rep.Thomas Massie felt qualified to opine on the education level, legal standing, and family history of the hundreds of thousands of people protesting the police killing of George Floyd since last Monday. Try not to faint when I say his opinions weren't complimentary. Grab those smelling salts, he even threw around as many racist stereotypes and dog whistles sound canons as he could fit into a one-minute clip.

Massie, of course, also found it germane to invoke Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr as a shining example of behavior to which the protesters should aspire. He neglects to mention that King was pretty zen about riots, and ended up dead at the hands of white supremacist murderers.

I'll tell you what we do need nationally is to relook at our educational system. I mean, a lot of these protesters, and I'm, and again, I'm falling victim right now to calling them protesters. A lot of them are just violent looters, and lawless criminals at this point, because they are engaging in violence.

The racist who represents the state that ranks 45th in education is accusing those protesting rampant racism and police brutality of being uneducated. I would like to hear how much Massie knows about the Black Wall Street and the Tulsa Massacre and Rosewood, because he may have attended MIT, but it's obvious he is the one who needs the education.

Lawless criminals because they're engaging in violence? Well, didn't Officer Chauvin engage in violence himself? I guess that would make him a lawless criminal, too, but that seems not to offend Massie's sensibilities too much. Please also note the adorable framing of himself as "falling victim" to calling the protesters, well, "protesters."

But most of them are young, and I just wonder, who are their parents, what did they teach them? And how did they get educated to believe that this is an appropriate response? Contrast it, you know, to what Martin Luther King, Jr did.

*DEEP MARTIN LUTHER KING JR VOICE* - It is an appropriate response, Thomas.

"You know, isn't there...is there an articulate person among the group who are upset with the way things are going that could step up to a microphone and speak for all the people? I'm not seeing that person."

Let's put aside the extremely problematic and racist suggestion that the anguish, needs, and demands of thousands upon thousands of protesters can be represented by one person. How can anyone with eyes NOT SEE WHAT IS BEING PROTESTED? The MIT-educated Rep can't use the Google machine to educate himself about police brutality in America? He cannot find MSNBC on the teevee for 30 minutes?

Where are Thomas Massie's parents? What did they teach him? And how did he get educated to believe that this is an appropriate response?

So, allow me to educate Mr. Massie. I found one person who is educated and articulate from whom you could stand to learn.

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