Laura Ingraham Smears Dr. Fauci As Part Of ‘The Medical Deep State’

From the safety of her own remote studio, Laura Ingraham suggested Dr. Fauci's warnings about coronavirus are a “medical deep state” plot to keep Donald Trump from campaigning.

Although Ingraham said nothing about defying her own company’s plan to keep her working from the safety of her home until at least the end of July, she suggested that Trump and the rest of us should pay no attention to the spike of cases and consider the COVID-19 pandemic over.

INGRAHAM: Democrats just wish that the president would just put off campaigning indefinitely, obviously. Or, ideally, until after the election of Joe Biden who, all things considered, they’d just prefer to stay in his basement until Inauguration Day.

Meanwhile, Anthony Fauci, a man obviously suffering from media withdrawals, he resurfaced over the weekend in what can only be described as a one-man effort to depress us all.

Now that we’re slowly starting to get our lives back, ever so slowly, he told a British newspaper, "I would hope that we could get back to some degree of normality within a year or so. But I don't think it's this winter or fall."

The medical deep state strikes again. Well, the bottom line for all of us is that the president and his campaign should simply not react to any of this alarmist COVID drivel from here on out.

None of these people, sadly including Dr. Fauci, can be really taken all that seriously anymore given what we've seen, because science, just like journalism and entertainment, has become obscenely politicized.

Funny, I didn’t hear Ingraham mention anywhere in the entire commentary that she’ll be in attendance at any of Trump's upcoming rallies or even his convention speech in Florida.

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