LOL: Trump Demands CNN Publicly Apologize For Mean Poll Showing Biden Leading
Donald Trump is demanding that CNN apologize for stating the truth: Joe Biden is trouncing him in double digits.
How pathetic is Donald Trump? So pathetic that his campaign wrote a letter to CNN demanding that they issue an apology for publishing a poll that shows Joe Biden leading by 14 percentage points, well outside of the margin of error. CNN reports that the campaign wrote a letter directly to CNN President Jeff Zucker. Zucker immediately dismissed the letter and spit water out of his nose while laughing so hard that he fell out of his office chair (last part is not confirmed).
Trump's cease-and-desist letter argued that the CNN poll is "designed to mislead American voters through a biased questionnaire and skewed sampling." It further stated, "It's a stunt and a phony poll to cause voter suppression, stifle momentum and enthusiasm for the President, and present a false view generally of the actual support across America for the President."
A CNN spokesman stated, bluntly: "We stand by our poll."
The poll, released on Monday, shows Donald Trump trailing Joe Biden by a solid 14 points (55%-41%) among registered voters. It also finds the President's approval rating at a dismal 38%. These approval ratings are on par with Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush - who only served one term.
Immediately after the release of this poll, Donald Trump tweeted that he had hired widely panned pollster, McLaughlin & Associates to "analyze" the poll and create their own results. Suffice it to say, the poll created by Donald Trump showed something a bit different, which is literally what McLaughlin was hired to do - placate the Toddler President*.
As a reminder, the CNN poll was not an outlier. In fact, every single other poll done this month also shows Biden significantly ahead of Trump. These polls include: ABC News/Washington Post, Monmouth University, NPR/PBS Newshour/Marist College, NBC News/Wall Street Journal, Quinnipiac University and Fox News. Every single one of these polls show Biden up by double digits.
Twitter had a LOL moment about this insanity:
BREAKING: the Trump campaign just demanded CNN apologize for a poll that shows Biden leading Trump
YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS UP— PoliticsVideoChannel (@politvidchannel) June 10, 2020
Trump campaign to CNN
— Dave Itzkoff (@ditzkoff) June 10, 2020
Donald Trump:
I demand an apology from CNN!
CNN:— LOUIE ⚡️V. ➐ (@LouieVentura) June 10, 2020
Why should they have to apologize for airing the truth? #Biden2020Landslide
— Tara Dublin (@taradublinrocks) June 10, 2020
— ĿЄVЄĿ ĪĪ 🧢 (@BraveNewtWorld) June 10, 2020
Lol. OK, here’s our apology: “We’re sorry you are such a complete fucking idiot”. Yours Truly, CNN and The Rest of the Civilized World.
— Elizabeth Riley (@ecastleberrylaw) June 10, 2020
Poor Bunker Boy had his delicate little feelings hurt. I kind of hope CNN writes a hilarious letter back to his campaign.
UPDATE: CNN's response is strong.
Official response from CNN General Counsel to @TeamTrump‘s letter demanding CNN apologize for a poll that shows @JoeBiden leading.
— CNN Communications (@CNNPR) June 10, 2020