Meghan McCain Can't Or Won't Grasp Difference Between Defunding And Reforming Police
Despite a clear and elegant explanation from Senator Kamala Harris, McCain either chose not to listen, or was unable to understand what she said.
It's only Monday and Meghan McCain has already made the TV week feel endless.
Sen. Kamala Harris joined "The View," and at first, McCain asked a decent question, which was, "Why do you think there is such a hard time being differentiated between defunding and reforming police departments?" Okay, it's poorly worded, but it's clear what she's asking. Sen. Harris spent well over two minutes giving a detailed, thought-provoking, clear answer to the question of why police presence does not equal healthy communities, and why government entities need to re-think how they allocate funds if they want to encourage healthy communities.
McCain responded by telling Sen. Harris, "I hear you loud and clear," but that was obviously not the case.
Allow me to be your Meghan Translator.
*I am a privileged daughter of a deceased senator, for whom all should feel sorry always, and give me the benefit of the doubt because I have blonde hair, white skin, and I wear pink. I did not spend any of the last 3 minutes listening to the brilliant and respected Black senator explain what defunding the police would look like, and how funds should be reallocated to reduce the NEED for policing in ALL communities. I just want to be viewed as a tough questioner, so I am going to do what I saw happen on a viral video, try to trap a woman who is my intellectual superior into answering a completely bogus question and hope for the best. There is no way this can go badly for me.*
Meghan Translator:
*oh sh*t*
Meghan Translator:
*I said "law and order" and mentioned "Ilhan Omar" and talked about getting robbed — I think I got away with it!*
HOSTIN: Senator, this is Sunny, and I think just to add to the conversation, defunding the police doesn't mean abolishing the police. It means taking some of those funds that are typically one-third of the budget of a city and giving some of those funds to services like mental health and education and mental health resources, but I want to change the subject and act another question.
Meghan Translator:
*oh thank god*