Rep. Cedric Richmond Blasts Trump's Incompetence During Barr Hearing

"Let him continue to embarrass himself," Richmond said in response to GOP complaints that Trump was being embarrassed during the hearing about Bill Barr's corruption of the DOJ.

The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on Wednesday with 3 DOJ whistleblowers (and one GOP loving non-DOJ person lawyer) to talk about Bill Barr's politicization and corruption of the Department of Justice in decisions to investigate (or not investigate) certain cases and decisions. The hearing went as expected - Democrats asking legitimate questions, Republicans talking about Obama, Hillary, Obamagate and the Steele Dossier.

Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-LA) jumped in with the kill shot in his opening statement. The knife went in so cleanly, you had to rewind the tape to even hear what he said a second time:

Mr. Chairman, let me start by saying that part of our colleagues said that the whole hearing is here so we can embarrass the president. Let’s just be clear. If we wanted to embarrass the president, we would sit back and do nothing and just let him continue to embarrass himself and say that you should drink bleach or disinfectant to cure COVID-19, that he slowed down testing, that it will magically go away. Or the absurd statement that he’s done more for black people than Abraham Lincoln. In law we just say res ipsa loquitor -- the thing speaks for itself. So instead of trying to embarrass the president, we would just let him continue to do it himself. What we’re here today to talk about is the abuse of power, the miscarriage of justice.

NARRATOR: Everything stated was true, and also true of a number of Republican representatives in that hearing today.

Watch the entire hearing here.

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