As Trump Accuses Them Of 'Anarchy,' Peaceful Seattle Protesters Organize #CHAZ

Seattle protesters took over a local police precinct. Right wing media are trying to whip this up into a crisis.

CNN's Dan Simon walks us inside Seattle's Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, something Trump is trying to turn into a major crisis with Fox News doing their best to make it sound like violent anarchy.

"This is what it looks like when you enter CHAZ. You see some of this street graffiti behind me."

Making sure there's no violence or anything against people of color. That's why we're here.

"Then you walk 2 or 300 feet and you're in the heart of the zone. This is the main focal point of the occupation zone, the police precinct behind me. People have put up messages, made signs and a lot of folks are just coming by and taking in the sight. One of the more remarkable things about the occupation is the infrastructure. They are incredibly well stocked for the long haul," Simon said.

"See all those plastic bags with cards in it? Those are individual donor cards. Most of this stuff comes one bag of groceries at a time from folks in the community who want to take care of each other."

He points out the meditation society.

"We've seen a lot of groups hold various events. This is a group of Native Americans behind me doing a drum ceremony. Is everything Pollyanish here? Absolutely not. We have seen tempers flare, and some folks are openly carrying weapons. Remember, Washington is an open carry state," he said.

There's only a couple bullets in this guy right here. This is not for the police. I'm an American citizen and my war is not with the police. It's with the system and the accountability or the lack of accountability, but, no, this is just for protection.

Here's the kind of thing that actually happens in the CHAZ:

And here's what right wing media is trying to create:

Like past Occupy encampments, they're attracting some con artists and mentally ill people. But it's not anything we haven't seen before.

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