Trump Calls For Police State To Advance His Fascist Agenda

In a phone call with governors, Trump berated them for not "dominating" the protesters enough.

Audio of Donald Trump's phone call with governors has gotten out, and it's a master class in fascism begetting more fascism. As John King and Kaitlan Collins discussed, he "lashed out" at the governors, calling them weak, and saying their inaction was making them the "laughing stock of the world." The solution? Cracking down even harder on the protesters, of course.

It's hard to know what's more disturbing about this: the projection, which is the GOP's political reflex when faced with absolutely everything repulsive about themselves; the fact that he is calling for MORE police and National Guard violence against protesters, who are out there peacefully protesting police violence; the possibility that Trump doesn't even seem to realize that the police and National Guard have indeed already been responding with a great deal of brutality and violence; or the possibility that he realizes that and wants EVEN MORE of it. But hey! This is America! Why do we have to choose? We can have all of these nightmare scenarios at once.

Here are some of the Diaper Dictator's words, followed by a dose of reality:

TRUMP: What happened in the state of Minnesota, they were the laughingstock all over the world. They took over the police department. Police were running down the street with sirens blazing, the rest of them running, it was on camera, and then they wiped out, you probably have to build a new one, I have never seen anything like it and the whole world was laughing. Two days later, I spoke to the governor, I said on the call (inaudible) and all of a sudden and I said you got to use the National Guard (inaudible) and they did. (argle bargle blah blah blah) What's going on in Manhattan? I have no idea. New York's finest, they gotta be allowed, I don't know what's happening in Manhattan, but it's terrible. (stupid drool stupid crap) New York, you've got to toughen up and we'll send you National Guard if you want, you have the largest police force in the country. 40,000 people, I understand. But what's going on in New York is terrible, it's terrible. All the places. What happened last night in Los Angeles with the stores and storefronts is terrible. No domination, you have to dominate them.

Is this not dominant enough for you, Trump?

That was New York. This is Los Angeles.

Perhaps this is more his speed:

In case police shoving old men with canes doesn't get his rocks off, maybe he'd prefer macing small girls?

Or elderly Black women? Does her being a U.S. Congresswoman get the police extra points with Trump?

Are we allowed to sit on our own porches anymore?

All this, and Trump thinks the police and governors aren't dominant enough? That they're the laughing stock? Again. Tyranny, fascism, and projection. As if Trump isn't the one who's truly the laughing stock, hiding scared in the dark basement of the White House, with the all the outside lights turned off (which apparently only happens when a president dies.)

This is what Trump has always wanted. His entire life. Complete domination. Enough white people in this country gave him the keys to the government to use the nation's military and police forces to do it.

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