Trump's Golf Date Goes Badly

Trump's new golf bromance ended rather abruptly, with Trump blocking the man on Twitter.

Trump's Golf Date Goes Badly

Welshman Liam Bennett thought he had a new friend this morning when Donald Trump followed him on Twitter. Alas, it was not to be.

As for the 'dausage,' CNN covered the story back in 2015, "sausages filled with raspberry jelly and -- the weak of stomach should look away now -- custard." Trump would love them.

Source: The London Economic

Donald Trump enjoyed a short-lived bromance with a man on Twitter today.

Liam Bennett, who claims to be the inventor of a doughnut/sausage hybrid called the dausage, responded to a tweet by Today’s Golfer saying the US President would be the person he’d most like to play a round of golf with, adding that he was “amazing in Home Alone II”.

Minutes later he got a surprise follow back from Trump and a DM that read:

“Hi Liam, I saw you wanted to play golf with me. Next time I’m in England I’ll take you and your family to my Trump International course in Scotland. It’s the BEST course in the WORLD”.

But the response seemed to come as somewhat of a surprise.

Bennett replied:

“Wow, thanks for messaging me, but I think you’re a despicable human being, and even if I could play golf I wouldn’t want to play you. How about resigning?”

And with that the President of the United States blocked Liam Bennett.

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