Chris Wallace Mocks Donald Trump Over Cognitive Test: 'It's Not The Hardest Test'

Chris Wallace calls out Donald Trump for saying that he "aced" the hardest cognitive test ever.

Chris Wallace had a one-on-one interview with Donald Trump and it was pretty bonkers, even by Donald Trump standards. He folded and got super defensive, even under the most modest questioning. One of the funniest parts was when Chris Wallace implied that the cognitive test that Trump "aced" wasn't really that hard at all. In fact, one of the questions was just to identify which drawing was an elephant. Trump tried to push back, saying that the last 5 questions were super hard.

A reminder - this type of test is given to people who had strokes, have early onset alzheimers or who are considered to be losing their mental acuity. In addition to correctly identifying the animal drawing, other questions include: who is the President, what month is it, what day of the week is it, what time does this clock show, draw a box, etc.

Not exactly rocket science.

TRUMP: Biden can't put two sentences together together. They wheeled him out, he goes up up, hit asking questions come here with the teleprompter and then he goes back into his basement. You tell me the American people want to have that in an age where we are in trouble with other nations that are looking to do numbers on us.

WALLACE: Let me ask a direct question -- I'm going to ask you a direct question about Joe Biden. Is Joe Biden senile?

TRUMP: I don't want to say that. I will say he's not competent. To be present you have to be sharp and tough and so many other things. He doesn't even come out of his basement. They think this is a great campaign. So he goes in, I will then make a speech, it will be a great speech and some young guys start writing Vice President Biden said this, this, this, this -- he didn't say it. Joe doesn't know he's alive, okay? Do the American people want that? Number one.

Number two, I built the greatest economy ever built in anywhere in the world. Not only in this country, anywhere in the world, until we got hit with the China virus. Got hit with a virus, shouldn't have happened and we had to close up, we saved millions of lives. Now we open a back up, go back to school somewhere open. The best job numbers we ever had last month, we should have good ones coming up in two weeks. Look, I built the greatest economy in history. I'm now doing it again. You see the numbers. The numbers are through the roof. The Democrats are purposely keeping their schools closed, I called Michigan. I want to have a big rally in Michigan. You know we are not allowed to have a rally in Michigan? We are not allowed to have a rally in Minnesota? Not allowed to have rallies in Nevada. Not allowed to have rallies in Democrat run states.

WALLACE: Some people would say that's a health risk. We had some issues after Tulsa.

TRUMP: If everything was on 100%, they're still would not allow it. They're not allowing me to have rallies.

WALLACE: If I may sir, respectfully, in the FOX poll, they ask people, who was more competent, whose mind is sounder sounder? Biden beats you in that.

TRUMP: Well I tell you what, let's take a test. Let's go down right now. Joe and I will take tests. Let him take the same --

WALLACE: I took the test too when I heard you passed it. It's not the hardest test. The last picture is an elephant.

TRUMP: That's all misrepresentation.

WALLACE: That's what it was on the web.

TRUMP: It's all mispresentation because the first two questions are easy but i bet you couldn't even answer the last five questions. They get very hard.

WALLACE: One of them was count back by 100 by seven.

TRUMP: Let me tell you, you couldn't answer -- you couldn't answer --

WALLACE: What's the question?

TRUMP: I'll get you the test. But I guarantee you that Joe Biden cannot answer those questions. I answered all 35 questions correctly.

Donald Trump thinks identifying an elephant equals "acing" a cognitive test. The bar is set so low for him, he can't even see it anymore.

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