FLYING PIG ALERT: Neil Cavuto Rebuts Trump On Obama Record
"Both presidents can crow about the growth they saw but it was not a disaster under Barack Obama," Cavuto said.
Willie Geist was surprised that Fox News, of all places, fact-checked Trump on his rant about Obama regulation yesterday.
"I want to clarify a couple of things. He said that no president in history has cut regulations as much as he has. That is true. I think he might have mischaracterized the regulations that were added under Barack Obama, they were largely financial related," Neil Cavuto said.
He talked about the 2008 meltdown and said many of the regulations were geared toward stabilizing the banks.
"So more than half the regulations the Obama Administration added were post the meltdown. Another point -- when the president referred to the horrible results -- or the disappointing results of the prior administration for adding those regulations, be that as it may, the unemployment rate did, under Barack Obama, go down from a high of 10% to around 4.7%.
"President Trump, of course, sent that lower, getting us down to around 3.5% unemployment rate. But I didn't want to leave you with the impression that during those eight years when Obama first came into office and we were bleeding one million jobs a month, that we were coming down off a meltdown. Both presidents can crow about the growth they saw but it was not a disaster under Barack Obama.
"Not only did the Dow triple during his tenure but the increased regulations and other things that policed the financial companies, those companies did well, Americans did very, very well. So I just want to put that in some -- in some context here."
Rats deserting a sinking ship? Trump keeps attacking Fox -- is Cavuto trying to hang onto their audience? Whatever the reason, it's noteworthy.