Fox Host Argues Schools Should Reopen To Teach Kids A Lesson

"Life is full of risks, kids should learn that early," Brian Kilmeade said

Gambling with other people's kids seems to be a real thing these days among Republicans and their sycophantic lapdogs in the media. This morning, the Fox & Friends co-host argued that kids should just suck it up, accept the risk to themselves and any family members they come into contact with because "life is full of hurdles, you've got to find a way to overcome."

Source: The Week

Like getting picked last for dodgeball or losing lunch money to a bully, Fox News' Brian Kilmeade thinks coronavirus is just a hurdle kids have to overcome.

The Fox and Friends host is unabashedly in favor of reopening schools this fall despite the fact that COVID-19 cases are rising dramatically across the south and west. In fact, Kilmeade suggested, the deadly virus is something they can learn from. "Life is full of risks, kids should learn that early," Kilmeade said, adding again that "life is full of hurdles, you've got to find a way to overcome."

Kilmeade went on to say most children won't even be affected by COVID-19, which is largely true. But he glosses over the fact that children pass the virus to each other and bring it home, and suggests teachers who could also contract the disease are "used to clearing challenges" who "don't do it for the money."


BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): There's just no question. The kids benefit in school. Life is full of risks, kids should learn that early that life is full of hurdles, you've got to find a way to overcome. And you've had five or six months, we've been hearing about this since February, institute a lockdown since March. We each have to get ready by September. This is not Ebola, it's the coronavirus. Mostly kids, 99.9% of kids will not be affected by it at all, we know about the transference, we also know about the rarity. This is a risk that has to be taken, and I think kids get used to not taking things for granted. They get the message.

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