GOP Congressman Calls On White House To Disband Coronavirus Task Force

Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona wrote that Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx were contradicting Trump too often, and interfering with reopening the economy.

Imagine being a congressman, where part of your district (Maricopa County) is one of the worst hit areas of the United States right now, and you argue for ending Trump's coronavirus task force because two of its most trusted voices keep giving bad news.

Source: Axios

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) on Thursday called for the White House to dissolve its coronavirus task force so that health officials like Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx are prevented from contradicting many of President Trump’s "stated goals and actions" when it comes to the economy.

Bigg's statement:

“After two months of economic nightmares due to COVID-19 and our states’ reactions to the outbreak, the American economy is roaring back as we predicted. The fundamentals of our economy were very strong prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, and the pro-growth foundation that President Trump set over the past 3+ years is paying dividends in one of our nation’s most-uncertain times. Americans trust President Trump and his team to lead our economy back to prosperity because of his track record.

“As our economy is restored, it is imperative that President Trump is not undermined in his mission to return our economy to greatness. Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx continue to contradict many of President Trump’s stated goals and actions for returning to normalcy as we know more about the COVID-19 outbreak. This is causing panic that compromises our economic recovery. We can protect our most vulnerable from the COVID-19 outbreak while still protecting lives and livelihoods of the rest of the population. It’s time for the COVID-19 task force to be disbanded so that President Trump’s message is not mitigated or distorted.”

And part of this lunatic's tweetstorm this morning.

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