Jason Chaffetz Says Dems Want Unemployment Benefits To Expire
King of the Big Lie Jason Chaffetz earns his Fox paycheck for another week.
You may recall that Jason Chaffetz was sure he couldn't look his daughter in the eye and support Trump after his Access Hollywood "grab 'em by the pu**y" comments.
Chaffetz resigned from the Congress moments after his next term began and ran to Fox News where they offered him full employment to lie his head off in defense of the Trump White House. He also gets to lie in book form via a deal with Harper Collins's "conservative imprint," Broadside Books.
When was the last time Jason saw his daughter's eye, then?
Today's big huge lie is that DEMOCRATS don't want to extend unemployment benefits. Transcript h/t Heather:
It's ugly that REPUBLICANS are completely in charge of what gets voted on in the Senate, Jason. Whining about how the "sausage gets made" when only Mitch McConnell has control of what gets voted upon is silly.
Which party controls the White House again? That guy you said stopped you from looking your daughter in the eye. Which party?