Mary Trump Confirms What We All Know — Trump Uses The N-Word

In her interview with Rachel Maddow, Trump's niece detailed rampant use of racist and anti-Semitic language in her family growing up, including by Donald Trump.

In the least surprising revelation ever, Mary Trump told Rachel Maddow last night that she has heard Donald Trump use the "N" word, and anti-Semitic slurs to refer to Black and Jewish people, respectively.

It took a little bit of prodding, and her answers were short and monosyllabic in response to Maddow's teasing them out of her, but there they were. She looked a little terrified, frankly, to be saying the thing on TV.

MADDOW: Let me ask you, Mary, about something that you said in an interview with The Washington Post this week, you talked with Ashley Parker at The Washington Post and you said, she quoted you saying there was knee-jerk anti-Semitism and knee-jerk racism in your family. The Post quotes you as saying, "Growing up it was sort of normal to hear them using the n-word or use anti-Semitic expressions." I just wanted you to expand on that. Do you mean just generally in the family, that was an accepted thing? Or specifically you heard your Uncle Donald use that kind of language?

M. TRUMP: Just generally, with the older generations, as if it were perfectly common place and ordinary to say such things. I had the benefit of living in Jamaica, not Jamaica Estates and going to school in Forest Hills, and so, I did not share their ideas about race and Judaism at all. But, you know, when you grow up with that, being perfectly normal then, you don't really think twice about it.

MADDOW: I have to press you on it a little bit. Just to ask if the president, if your uncle was an exception to that in your family, or if he — if you ever heard him express, either use anti-Semitic slurs or the n-word or other racist slurs, or other sentiments like that, was it an ambient thing in your family, but you can't say that you ever heard it from him, or did you hear it from him too?

TRUMP: Yeah, yeah, of course I did. I don't think that should surprise anybody given how virulently racist he is today.

MADDOW: Um, have you heard, have you hard the president use the n-word?

TRUMP: Yeah.

MADDOW: And anti-semitic slurs specifically?


Mary Trump is absolutely right in that this is not at all surprising, but it is, I suppose, newsworthy in that no one has ever gone on the record to confirm that they have heard Donald Trump use such language. Au contraire. His minions fall all over themselves to declare they've never, ever heard him say such things.

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