Nobody Likes Trump

Yet another winner from MeidasTouch.

When Trump whined yesterday about Dr Fauci's broad public support and his own dismal approval ratings, it was only a matter of time before someone took that video and made it into an ad.

Source: CNN

President Donald Trump said Tuesday his relationship with Dr. Anthony Fauci is "very good" but wondered why the doctor's approval rating is so high when his is so low.

Speaking a day after he retweeted a message claiming Fauci had misled the public, Trump chalked up his own sinking numbers to his personality.

But he said Fauci's broad respect should transfer to the Trump administration -- for whom Fauci works.
"I get along with him very well and I agree with a lot of what he's said," Trump insisted
"It's interesting: he's got a very good approval rating. And I like that, it's good," he went on. "Because remember: he's working for this administration. He's working with us. We could have gotten other people. We could have gotten somebody else. It didn't have to be Dr. Fauci. He's working with our administration. And for the most part we've done what he and others -- and Dr. Birx and others -- have recommended."

Trump continued: "And he's got this high approval rating. So why don't I have a high approval rating with respect -- and the administration -- with respect to the virus? We should have it very high."

"So it sort of is curious," Trump said, "a man works for us, with us, very closely, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx also, very highly thought of -- and yet, they're highly thought of, but nobody likes me?"

"It can only be my personality, that's all," he said.

And the tweets rolled in. Pay particular attention to the first one.

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